Sunday, May 17, 2020

Healthy Appetizers - SHRIMP And GREEK SALAD Cucumber Cups - HEALTHY Appetizer - Low-Carb

Healthy Appetizers - SHRIMP And GREEK SALAD Cucumber Cups - HEALTHY Appetizer - Low-Carb, - This specific Delicious SHRIMP And GREEK SALAD Cucumber Cups - HEALTHY Appetizer Recipe is really some sort of solution for yourself who searching for healthy food intended for you. Many people desire to live healthy nevertheless hard to find appropriate food. With this SHRIMP And GREEK SALAD Cucumber Cups - HEALTHY Appetizer recipe, really you can easily make at your house by simply yourself. #SHRIMP #And #GREEK #SALAD #Cucumber #Cups #- #HEALTHY #Appetizer #Low-Carb #

SHRIMP And GREEK SALAD Cucumber Cups - HEALTHY Appetizer


8 Large , 2 cm slices with the centers scooped out Cucumber slice
8 Tiger shrimp
2 Tablespoon (Greek) Dressing
1 Teaspoon Fresh oregano
1 Teaspoon Fresh thyme
To Taste Salt
4 , sliced Greek olives
1 Small Shallot
4 , sliced Cherry tomato
1 Cup (16 tbs) , crumbled Feta cheese

Nutrition : 8 Servings

  - Fat : 4g / 7%
  - Carbs : 2g / 1%
  - Protein : 4g / 8%


Go through how to make this specific SHRIMP And GREEK SALAD Cucumber Cups - HEALTHY Appetizer right here below:
Click Here - SHRIMP And GREEK SALAD Cucumber Cups - HEALTHY Appetizer

Tags: Sugar-Conscious #Low Potassium #Kidney-Friendly #Keto-Friendly #Pescatarian #Gluten-Free #Wheat-Free #Egg-Free #Peanut-Free #Tree-Nut-Free #Soy-Free #Fish-Free #Pork-Free #Red-Meat-Free #Celery-Free #Mustard-Free #Sesame-Free #Lupine-Free #Mollusk-Free #Alcohol-Free #No oil added # Cautions: #Sulfites #

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